BALLYBROWN PIONEER ASSOCIATION: Congratulations to the pupils of Ballybrown N.S. who received their Confirmation on Friday April 27. It was great to see that nearly all of the fifty odd pupils had decided to join the Pioneer Association and they were presented with the Young Pioneer Pins which they displayed with pride at their confirmation. A special thanks has to go to Mr. Joe Lyons, Principal of Ballybrown N.S. and the teachers of fifth and sixth class Mr. Barry Lordan, N.T and Mrs. Sinead Mulroe,N.T. for allowing us to speak with the classes and for their assistance in giving out the pins. The local Pioneer Association will be holding various events and meetings over the coming months to assist these young Pioneers in keeping their pledge. The confirmation pledge requires that they abstain from alcohol and drugs until they are at least eighteen years. Thanks also to Fr Muiris O’Connor P.P. and Mons. Michael Lane for their promotion of the Pioneer movement. Finally a big thank you to all the parents of the pupils for allowing them to join the Pioneers and with their help and guidance over the next six years or so, they will ensure that the Pioneer Association in Ballybrown will continue to prosper.

KILKEEDY GRAVEYARD: At this stage everyone must have seen the beautiful new entrance gate to Kilkeedy Cemetry which was erected in the past few weeks by Limerick County Council. The new gate which was sponsored by the Ballybrown Pioneer Association and repaired, cleaned and repainted by Limerick County Council is a fitting entrance to our local graveyard. We in the Pioneer association would like to thank Donal Walsh in Athlone who unearthed the gate and Seamus Donoghue, Athlone who was the owner of the gate and was delighted to let us have it when he was informed what it was intended for. The gate is over one hundred years old and was made in Athlone by William Sloane, Blacksmith who was originally from Belfast. The gate was in a poor state of repair but it was a beautiful piece of ironwork and now it is once again restored to its original form by Limerick County Council. A big thank you to all involved. 
The final preparations are being made for the launch of the eleventh edition of the Ballybrown Parish Journal. The launch will take place in the Ballybrown GAA Clubhouse in early December (exact date to be confirmed later). This years Journal will be launched by a local major International Sports Personality. Copies of the Journal will be on sale at Martin Hayes's shop, in Tervoe and the Centra Store and Filling station Clarina, after the launch at a cost of only ten Euro.
The Journal Editorial Committee and the Pioneer Association would like to thank all the advertisers who gave adverts for this years Journal. The Journal makes a wonderful Christmas gift for all our local exiles around the globe. See you all at the launch.
A Pioneer Committee meeting will be held in the GAA Clubhouse on Monday November 28 at 9pm to organise details for the launch. |